July 27, 2012

Most of July

July 4th – Joe and Londa invited us over to their house for a cookout and to let the kids swim. Mom went with us. We had a great time. Fireworks would have been perfect out there but because of the burn ban in our area, nobody was able to shoot any. The extra hot weather and lack of rain has really made for a miserable summer. Thank goodness for swimming pools! Mandy made a sign for Dad's grave for the holiday.
July 10th – Ron was finally released as Stake Executive Secretary. YAY! Ron was called as Stake Clerk. BOO! Oh well, I’m sure the blessings will continue to follow, but it would be nice to have him at home every other Sunday when he’s not working. OH WELL!! July 18th – Kadence turned 15!! I can’t believe it! I can remember when he was SO tiny and I wagged him around all over creation. He’s such a good kid! We’re very blessed to have him in our lives! Another exciting event, it’s been 12 years today since Ron was baptized. Again, can’t believe that time has flown like it has. He’s had numerous callings and grown so much from each of them. Very proud of all that he’s accomplished in the last 12 years. July 22nd – Marks our Sealing Anniversary. Twelve years for Ron and me. 7 years for Kaleaha to us and 2 years for Krennan to us. I wish I could say that we had a moment of silence type pause through out the day to acknowledge our blessings of being an Eternal Family, but nope. Just a plain old crazy Sunday afternoon.

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