January 25, 2009

Crazy Life

I know I say this everytime I go a few days without posting something, but our life is just too crazy. My nephews started basketball so we've gone to a couple of games, plus bowling and work and now gymnastics. Who really has time to work??

Last week, Kaleaha had an accident while she was at Gran's house and we had to take her to the doctor on Monday. 2 antibiotic shots, a Tetnus shot and 10 days of antibiotics, plus unlimited daily treatments... Not a great week.

Then we were sitting at dinner the other night talking with some friends who are expecting a baby. Let me preface this part by saying that people have been asking us left and right lately if we're going to add to our family. Ron and I had already decided that we would not pursue any additions, but if something fell into our laps, that would be fine. So we're having a nice peaceful (with a four year old) dinner with our friends talking about their baby and my cell phone rings.

It's a call from a close family friend who has information about a girl who wants to place her baby for adoption with us. She's heard about us from a mutual friend. WHOA! I was almost speechless. That's so far away from anything we were even thinking about until we started discussing it later and realized that maybe that's the reason for all of the questions about family lately. We both are praying for all of this to work out however it the Lord means for it to, but WOW!!

Did I mention that this baby is due in 6 weeks??????

Then, I got sick on Thursday and have not felt human until last night. It's been a crazy week!!

Stay tuned for the next installment of "How Our World Turns". Keep us in your prayers, we're going to need them.

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Gymnastics Star

Here's our new Gymnastics star. We finally took the plunge and signed Kaleaha up for Gymnastics. She appears to love the class, but I really think she's just in it for the fashion!

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January 2, 2009

Easy Bake Gourmet Chef-In-Training

Matt & Mandy and the boys got Kaleaha an Easy Bake
Oven for Christmas and she loved it!! We had to try it
out almost immediately. I don't know who had more fun,
Kaleaha or Mom.

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1 Day's difference

What a difference a day makes!! Christmas dress up outfits that reflect her personality!

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Christmas morning at home

Christmas morning we were at home (finally)! First we had to check to see if Santa ate the
and drank the milk. Then we proceeded to open the presents and put on a show...

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Christmas Family pictures
On the left is the majority of Ron's side of the family. These are Ron's step sisters and their families and his step-aunt and cousins. His brother and nephew are missing. They didn't join us for the Christmas Eve party. On the right is Michelle's parents and brother, sister-in-law and nephews. We had a lot of fun both places. At Michelle's family Christmas Eve gala, the (usually) super organized person, failed to bring Christmas gifts for the boys and so they very patiently waited while everyone else opened gifts before Mandy noticed (thank goodness) that they boys didn't get what she knew that they were supposed to open. No screams were heard so she knew something was wrong. Ron very sweetly agreed to run home and look for the missing packages. Luckily we don't live too far away and he found them!!!
Christmas was once again an unqualified sucess.

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